New Google Glass Sex App: Experience Sex Like Never Before
Although Google Glass has not yet come to market and wont be available until later this year, an app developer from London has created an application for Google Glass designed to be used during sex. The app is called Sex With Glance and will allow partners to be able to see what their partner sees. Both partners will need to be wearing Google Glass while in bed.
Just say “ok glass, it’s time” and Glance on Google Glass will stream what you see to each other. If you feel like stopping everything, just say “ok glass, pull out”.
The developers website says that with Glance app users will be able to play music, switch off the lights and even search for new sexual positions, if you seem to be stumped on what to do next. If you are worried about privacy, the video will not save or upload to any server, the only person who would have a copy of the video would be you. You can save it, or it will be erased.
Google’s Glass Platform Developer Policies prohibit applications that contain any sexually explicit content. The Glance app doesn’t contain any sexually explicit content though, you will basically be creating your own Point of View porn!
If you aren’t really into the idea of seeing yourself in action and would prefer to see others, has plenty of free porn videos for you!