This Is How To Watch Blocked Porn Sites In Your Country

Unblocking PornGovernment agencies around the world have been cracking down on your access to free porn. Even though free speech activists and libertarians have spoken out about the right to have access to any content they want on the Internet, including graphic sexual images and videos, First World nations such as Britain have ignored those cries and have begun to crack down on users access by blocking them through customers Internet Service Providers (ISP). The move is a giant “Fuck You” to the idea of freedom and liberty, and therefor providing alternate access to the content you crave is a demand that must be met. So read on if you want to find out how to watch blocked porn in your country.

First, we must discuss a little bit of the Internet fundamentals. Your computer has an Internet Protocol (IP) Address and  when your computer talks to the Internet, it looks for a Domain Name System, (DNS). Website access can be blocked from either one of these numbers, and changing them to an accepted number is usually all it takes.

How to change your IP Address:

In order to change your IP Address, you must use what is called a ‘Proxy’. A proxy will take your IP and change it to a different country of origin. There are many examples of free, website based proxies, but paying for connection to a proxy server is the best. Hide My Ass is a great proxy service which allows for both web based proxy browsing, and server based connectivity. Check out their site, and if you can’t access it, chances are, you’re going to need to change your DNS.

How to change your DNS:

When a ISP hooks you up to your Internet connection, they tell your computer to look at their own DNS, so all you need to do is tell it to look somewhere else. You will need to access your IP settings. In the DNS section, have it point to Googles DNS, Once connected, browsing the Internet should be stress free and without restrictions!

Once you’re on the open highway, head over to, the best place to watch free porn on the Internet!

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