Archive for September, 2011

Sex and Men Seeking Virgins

Monday, September 26th, 2011

For Men seeking virgins in Ancient Rome they were best advised to stay away from the Vestal Virgins as being caught having sex with one of them was a death sentence upon both the virgin as well as the other fuck buddy.


For Men seeking virgins then it was best to find himself a country farmers daughter. These Vestal Virgins were women that were taken into the priesthood and surrounded not only by a very capable guard unit but also surrounded with a mystical quality that kept them as a standard and example of the purity of the gods and their relationship with Rome. To sully this then was an affront and an insult to the gods and would surely bring down punishment from on high. For the Romans religion was not a very spiritual thing, for them it was very much a business oriented relationship. You prayed to the gods and made the appropriate sacrifices and in turn the gods would answer your prayer or bless you in whatever capacity was expected. If the god did not then you were perfectly within your rights to go appeal to another god and so on down the line until you got what you wanted. There were rituals to be observed and honors to be given and it was believed that to not do this was to be dishonorable in one’s bargain between Rome and her gods. For the Romans the gods were very different than the Greeks.


In Roman belief systems the gods were very busy doing other things and had little time to come down and physically speak with them, much less interact in any way. The gods did, like the Greeks, occasionally come down but this was a very rare occurrence and much at odds with their Greek counterparts who seemed to be popping down to the mortal world on just about every other weekend.

Is Penis Enlargement Really Possible?

Monday, September 26th, 2011

You can hardly buy a porn DVD online without seemingly-endless ads popping up promising the ability to add inches to your member in as little as a couple of weeks. But is there really any scientific research that backs up the claims?

While the idea sounds great, is it at all even necessary? The most commonly-held opinion on average penis length by scientists suggests that a flaccid penis is going to be 1-4 inches in length and 5-7 when erect. Of course there are many reasons why you would like to have a bigger penis, but it is worth the trouble?


This is not a new idea, for the record. Ancient history has shown a wide range of men trying to increase their penis size through all kinds of methods, whether it is using weights or allowing poisonous snakes to bite them in an attempt for them to get enlarged in the process. Thankfully science has moved on since then, but are any of the methods worth the cost? In terms of surgery today, there are several main operations that all come with risks and often very little in terms of rewards. The ‘skin flap’ surgery basically takes skin from your abdomen and adds it to the penis’ base, with the idea that more of the shaft will then be visible coming out of the body. Another procedure cuts the suspensory ligament of the penis and then weighs down the penis to pull it further away, increasing the length’s appearance. One of the more ‘simpler’ procedures performs liposuction on the pubic area, which, in theory, takes away fat from the area and therefore makes the penis seem longer as a result. These are just a few of the procedures available, though none are performed in massive numbers and, as with any surgery, the side effects can be quite severe. It’s important to note in all of these situations, the typical growth is only a few centimeters on average, not the several extra inches many of the products on the market today claim to add. What about the width, you ask? The most common procedures involve injecting fat into the shaft to increase the width but can often leave the penis looking lumpy or uneven, which is hardly the most aesthetically-pleasing member imaginable.

What about hormones, you say? The bad news is the hormone treatments available are not for people who fall within an average range of penis size. So if you’re just wanting to add some length for you (or your partner) you’re going to be out of luck here. The hormones are used when people have a medical condition called a micropenis. While this might make for a great slam to a friend next time you’re in an argument, it’s a genuine medical condition that is generally treated through hormone injections in young children with the problem. There’s a medical reason for the age treated too: Studies revealed that the hormones work significantly better with children that are prepubescent.

And there are a wide range of products and procedures with little-to-no science behind them. Among the more popular ideas are ligament stretching exercises or ‘jelqin’, which are both methods of attempting to increase the size through rubbing and tugging on your penis, but not in the way you likely would be doing when visiting As for adding weights to the penis at home? Very little supports that this method would work and odds are you’ll be more likely to end up in the ER than with a 12-inch member.

One of the main types of products you’re bound to see advertised (even if that’s not what it seems like the product would be) is in effect a penis pump. What exactly does this involve? We’ve all see jokes about them in the movies, but would they work? Basically, scientific studies suggest that pumping up the penis is way more effective as an impotence treatment rather than as a penis enlargement. There is a bit of diverse data when it comes to penis pumps though. A study concerning the use of pumps for Peyronie’s disease, which is related to the connective tissues of the penis, did show a general increase in penis length over a three-month time period.

What does this all add up to? Essentially, not very much. Scientists suggest you are unlikely to have success with any of the products available on the market, and if you do, it might be a lot less of an increase than you hoped for. Worth the time and (often significant) cost? That’s for you to decide.

Why Women Orgasm

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

So, the recent article from Popsci enttiled “What Is the Point of the Female Orgasm?”  is trying to suggest that there may be no rhyme or reason to the female orgasm.  They give an overly lengthy debate on whether a woman cumming is the by product of a male orgasm or if it functions as a adaptive evolutionary one.

This new study is trying to convince the world of the first argument – that there is no evolutionary evidence to explain a female orgasm.  To them I say, suck a cock.  As a women I cannot believe that we only orgasm because a man does.  Women are just as much of a sexual being as a man, if not more so by our ability to give life.

What about the scientific evidence to that shows how the cervix sucks up the sperm when a woman is cumming, therefore, increasing her fertility chances.  This is the basis for Karma Sutra in India.  They want to make sex as pleasurable for the woman as it is for the man to ensure orgasm and increase fertility.

Also, at least in my reasoning, the more chance for orgasm, the more reason to even have sex.  I know that the more I cum, the more I want to have sex.  This is the same theory for a man.  Why else would a guy want to fuck?  Our bodies give us the physical payoff to ensure that we continue having sex and there continues the whole goddamn human race.

Why do you think ladies choose not to continually fuck somebody who’s bad in bed?  They want a partner that will satisfy them, which will in turn spread his seed over the guy who sucks in the sack.  It’s all about survival of the fittest and the female orgasm gets to be the judge and jury.

originalIt seems to me this is a debate full of why why why.  When really we should be focusing on how how how.  Why do they care why we orgasm?  They should be focusing on how to make us orgasm because I know a lot of guys that could use a brush up lesson or two.

Sex And The 20s

Friday, September 23rd, 2011


One of the interesting things to note about the gangsters of the twenties was not only their own peculiar code of conduct and sense of class, but also their training. Many of these were world war one veterans who had returned from the battlefields with extensive knowledge in firearms. These veterans returned to a country falling into economic depression and for these men seeking their fortune could easily find it working for the various organized crime factions. Working for the mob could easily be more than a match for their financial needs as they were frequently very handsomely payed for their services. Despite all the stories of gunfights all the time and action going on there were actually few when seen in the long scope of time. Much of the time was simply spent guarding booze shipments and other simpler and more mundane jobs. The vast majority of the time was spent just doing normal and uneventful things.


The actual moments of panic and excitement and danger were fewer and farther in between. This was just the sort of job these men were trained to do. In certain ways it was much like the military. They experienced long periods of quiet and punctuated with shorter periods of action. This suited many of them well as they were more interested in getting paid and spending it on Sex and parties than on fighting. The sex with beautiful girls was also likely a big lure for many of them, along with the nice clothes and money to burn. Taken all together it was obviously considered a very bright and lucrative alternative than working an honest job that probably paid ten times as less with ten times as much actual work. And it didn’t offer the perks that came with the job either. Considering all things it’s really no wonder recruiting was so easy at the time.

Sex And Viking Terror

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

During the time of their reign there was nothing more terrible than the vikings. One of the reasons why they struck such fear into the hearts of men at the time was not only for their fighting prowess and fearsome reputation but also for their reach. They were everywhere and it seemed that no place was safe. Many fled inland when their raids touched the coasts of their lands but soon even that did not bring safety. The key here was the viking long ships. These ships were designed in such a way that their construction allowed them to seek passage up rivers as well as travel over rough seas. This meant that vikings could take passage up river and by that route strike deep inland. It became no exaggeration that truly, no where, was safe. What many do not readily understand or indeed have even heard of is the viking penchant for cleverness. The vikings treasured a clever ruse as much as a brave warrior facing his foes openly.


They treasured and valued a keen mind and a sharp wit as much as they did a strong sword arm. If a man could successfully bring down a raid with few casualties and little bloodshed it brought as much glory to his name as did a great battle. It was also cheaper too and cost less in terms of manpower, energy and money to replace casualties taken to hire new swords. This naturally meant that you could extend your reach and raid even more, which meant, more booty. Rape was also one of their tools and seizing the local pussy and making off with the women to fuck them and make them their own lessened the morale of any would be defenders. So in its own way Sex served a greater purpose beyond just Sex for it’s own sake. It helped spread the viking terror and bring them more victory, with fewer stiff opposition. This in itself was a sort of cleverness.


Sex And Home Repair

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

It used to be that most if not all of your home repair shows were all hosted by men. This has changed in recent decades as shows have turned to the Sex appeal of women to boost ratings and increase interest in the business. It’s also due to the broadening of women in a singles situation who need to know how to rely on themselves to build and repair their homes. This consequently has increased interest in women and thus spawned more women with Sex appeal in the business. Now it’s quite common to find numerous shows hosted by and featuring female builders and contractors, carpenters and plumbers and everything else associated with home repair.


It hasn’t hurt things either that there are a lot of men who watch such shows who quite obviously imagine themselves fucking some hot sexy show hostess helping them build their bedroom. In reality there has probably been about as much fooling around as there is anywhere else men and women congregate but these women know their stuff and any man who wants to get anywhere with them should probably brush up on their skills. It’s doubtful that they are push overs as so many might imagine them to be. It requires years of on the job training to acquire the skills necessary to even have a show much less a very popular one.


That’s why these women take their work as seriously as the guys, if not more so because they have more impressing to do. It’s the same anywhere you go in any industry, women have to work very hard just to get approval. Now with the great new examples provided by some of the greats, women can enter the home repair business and find as much success in it as they can work for. It would seem based on ratings that the guys don’t seem to mind this a bit.

The Cause of the 2011 Increase In Porn Popularity

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Ever since the creation of provocative pictures, there has been a demand of them. The world was first exposed to the extent that porn fascination can cause when Bettie Page made her controversial debut in the modeling world. As history’s first- and most famous- pin-up girl, Page became a worldwide celebrity almost overnight, bringing her suggestive pictures from her hometown of Tennessee all the way to Europe and Asia within the first months of her shedding it for the cameras.


The world has since not only become accustomed to seeing images of naked people in our daily lives, we’re used to it. So why is it that even though we’re almost immune to the thought of sex, porn is seeing a cast increase of viewers in 2011?

According to Statistics Canada, it looks like people may be watching more porn because their daily lives are more sexual than ever!

In 2001, just 10 years ago, condom sales averaged $1.8 Billion annually worldwide. Now, in 2011, that number has jumped to an estimated $3.5 Billion.

“Physiologically it’s easy to see why an increase of condom sales would effect the porn industry,” says Cheryl Lafferty, a professor in the mental health department at the University of British Columbia, Canada. “Generally when people are having more sex, their lives change to incorporate that new lifestyle. That can mean anything from a higher curiosity for sex toys and different positions to an urge to watch pornographic footage to increase your libido.”

Since 2010, there has been a 30% increase in sales of porn tapes in stores, a 35% increase in porn production, and almost nearly a 45% increase in online subscriptions to porn website memberships.

Is porn becoming more mainstream because we’re watching more of it, or are we watching more of it because it’s become so mainstream? It’s hard to decipher a clear winner between the two, but the bottom line remains the same—Porn has broken through its steady rise in popularity and has skyrocketed in 2011.

It’s become so popular, in fact, that even movie theatres are joining in on the action. Not only was the first 3D porn ever released this year in Japan, it was shown in one of the country’s biggest movie theaters for public viewings.

The reasoning behind porn’s new found extreme popularity could be caused by any number of things, but it’s being more socially acceptable to not only watch, but to talk about as well. With such a dramatic increase in porn popularity, it won’t be long before it’s on the shelves of our everyday video stores. Until then, you always have to fill your fix!

Voyeurism and Porn

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Voyeurism is a natural out growth of our evolutionary history where it would have been natural for us to watch others having sex. Centuries before the invention of porn or even most kinds of art work of any kind, people were watching others in their tiny tribes having sex and getting off on it. Fast forward through time to our modern world and you begin to glimpse why so many like to watch and be watched, and why voyeurism was rated one of the top 50 fetishes among kinky pervs on one social network. All those sex videos, whether amateur or starring a famous porn star, are just an attempt to get back to those primal impulses our ancestors experienced so very long ago.


What other ways can we explore this impulse? Obviously, watching free porn does not always have to be a solitary activity but can be shared with a lover for the delights of mutual masturbation or just as a form of hot fore play. Many films these days even claim to be hidden cameras, showing people fucking who got caught on security cameras or professional films pretending to be shot voyeuristically. Another option is to use web cam software to find others who might want to be watched, though they often will also want to be watch in return so they may want to see one masturbate or fuck one’s own lover.


Another option is to find swingers or sex clubs in one’s area. Depending on where one lives this may be easy or hard. Cities like San Francisco are infamous for having a plethora of fun options for the kinkster on the look out for watching or being watched. In smaller towns one may have to reach out via social networks or online dating websites to find other people who are interested in this kind of thing. Rather than clubs these will likely be private house parties, so behave accordingly.

Free Sex and Female Vampires

Monday, September 19th, 2011

A lot of people find the idea of Sex with a female vampire to be a very attractive one. The truth would be a very different story however as Sex with a vampire would likely lead to death. People allow themselves to become charmed by the ideal and less by a reality if they were to really exist.


The vampire is a killer, it is a serial killer, and the one thing it certainly isn’t is someone that you would want to fuck regardless of how attractive they were. They exist only to feed and even under the best of circumstances would it find it extremely trying just to keep their desires at bay. The problem has come from too many writers turning the vampire into a heroic sort of character and one that people adore. This flies in the face of their and truer and more natural state. Even a vampire with the very best of intentions would find it tempting to eat their professed friend. If a vampire really existed in the modern sense of the creature they would be almost animal like in their habits. Most of their waking hours would be spent on the hunt and either feeding or setting up an opportunity to feed. Then they would be off to their safe place to rest and recuperate until the next time. Contrary to what most people believe they would not spend a whole lot of time waxing poetic about their existence. They wouldn’t have time.


Another fact would be their physical state. In order to survive on a strictly blood diet they would need to consume a tremendous quantity of blood and this would likely leave corpses all over the place. They wouldn’t likely observe such niceties as taking just a little and leaving the person alive to tell about the tale. Then there would be the consequences. With that many people dead in the area it wouldn’t be long before a hunt for the hunter would be on.


Porn And The Ancients

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Have you ever heard of Priapism? Priapism is a medical condition affecting a man’s cock to where he has a permanent erection- you can read about Priapism here in our sex wikipedia. His dick stays hard not because he’s horny after so much pussy but because his body is malfunctioning. Inside the cock there is a tube which allows a man to urinate, but that same tube is also used to ejaculate. What happens is that within the body there is a gate which controls and allows fluids to enter the penis. If you have to pee the gate opens allowing you to do so, then later if your getting horny it opens to allow blood to flow, and then get off.


The problem is that for some guys the gate doesn’t reopen and allow the blood to leave and thus his dick stays hard, painfully so. This can not only be painful but also threatening to his health. The reason this condition is called Priapism is because it’s roots go back to ancient Rome and the Roman god Priapus. Priapus was a fertility deity who was always pictured as possessing an enormous and always erect penis. They would honor him with various statues and always with his enormous package showing for all the world to see. Imagine seeing a statue of a nude man with a humongous engorged dick and his stony hands stroking it and brandishing it luridly in a public area. Imagine the tops of fences, or hand rails shaped in the form of the head of a penis. Imagine it being considered good luck to rub the cock before entering or leaving a building. In today’s world this would clearly be considered Porn but in their world it was considered almost holy and sacred. It certainly wasn’t looked at as Porn or dirty in any way.


There were statues of people copulating and other things which to our modern sensibilities would easily fit the definition yet for them it wasn’t the act, but rather the light within which the act was shown. Some today would agree, but most just call it porn.