Sex and The Foo Fighters

Pilots on all sides during world war two reported seeing strange lights and unidentified flying objects near their planes while on missions. They had never been adequately explained and interestingly enough the opposing sides thought they somehow belonged to or were deployed by the enemy. British and American fighters first spying them believed they were German while German fighter and bomber pilots believed they were allied special weapons deployed against them. Their reports soon reached the ears of the civilian populace because none were with so much Sex appeal as pilots were especially bomber and fighter pilots.


Military men being what they are would gather at the local watering holes and have a few drinks, or three and soon their tongues would wag. It was easy to see how information would soon work its way along the grapevine as soldiers and airmen would find women and have Sex with them and talk about whatever came to mind. Of course while getting some nice handsome cock and being treated to a night on the town young ladies would be fascinated and ask them more questions, especially if there were strange and interesting or exotic things being told to them. Getting some pussy from an army brat like this one in a video on, often helped take the stress away for a short while. It’s no wonder that these pilots on both sides would talk about whatever they could just to get more attention.


This also had the effect of allowing them the ability to actually talk about strange things that didn’t make any sense to them. People being what they are, naturally look for explanations to things they don’t have answers to. If they don’t have adequate answers then, they will make them up and agree amongst themselves as to the nature of what they saw or experienced. These stories then went from young ladies to others and soon reached reporters, and newsmen were always hungry for every little tidbit and anything strange or unusual was spectacularly reported.

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