Get Your Orgasm Here

For all intents and purpose an orgasm is pretty much easy to come by these days. Sexually active adults certainly know what gets their ghost, gets them off and gets them coming back for more. We know exactly what toys to charge, what positions to get into, what pictures or porn we need to have scrolling by when we masturbate as much as we know what type of a partner fires our imagination and libido. Knowing what we need for our individual sexual excitement means we can pretty much count on that excitement in a world replete with the stimulants right there for the taking.

And we do live in a world ready and willing to give us what we need when we want to take it.

Because of the Internet we have access not only to the concepts that titillate us but to the very people; products and services we need, with another person or just by ourselves, to excite us most. Because of the Internet we have constant access, we have easy facility and we have speed, demon speed, to get that which invigorates and arouses us at every possible minute of the day, through our P.C.’s or portable devices, in the privacy of our own homes or in make-shift alone moments when we want some arresting arousing images.


Because of the Internet we are stuck nearly with constant mental priapism, fed a 24/7 deluge of people looking just like us and all the stuff that are looking at.

What we must learn is to ignore our orgasm, or at least the need to have it to the exclusion of all else. We must learn to stop and smell the roses, whether alone or with a partner, to enjoy the steps we take on each erotic journey and not just the journey’s end., And mostly, if we are dating, mating or romancing another person, we must learn to put their orgasm above our own.


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