Porn Channel Needs More Canadian Content Says CRTC
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, the people who regulate licensing requirements for radio and television in Canada, issued a notice on Wednesday to several Canadian Adult Video channels.
The CRTC notice said that AOV Adult Movie Channel as well as its sister channels, AOV XXX Action Clips and gay oriented AOV Malefixxx have possibly not complied with their licenses. The infractions that are said to be the cause of the notice are the failure to provide at least 35% Canadian content as well as the failure to meet the requirement to offer closed captioning on at 90% of programming.
The channels in question are owned by Channel Zero, a company based in Toronto. Movieola and Silver Screen Classics are regular programming (non-porn) channels that are also owned by Channel Zero that are also alleged to not be meeting the CRTC requirements.
The subject seems to have been discussed a lot this week in Canadian mainstream media. With questions arising such as, how does the CRTC monitor the amount of Canadian content in pornography? Should Pornography stations be subject to more leniency with these rules? Should Canada be producing more pornography?
The CRTC has not stated how they are able to monitor these porn stations to gauge what is Canadian content. But on April 4th the CRTC will be taking public input in regards to the renewal of Channel Zero’s licenses which will be decided in a hearing on April 28th.
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