USA Tops The List Of Countries Hosting Most Internet Porn
‘Murica! Land of the free, and home of the most porn on the Internet! A new study conducted by Paul Walsh of the family-friendly web product specialist Metacard details the amount of porn on the Internet hosted by each country and places the United States in the top spot with 428 million pages of porn, a staggering 60% of all adult content hosted around the world. The same study finds Europe’s biggest Internet porn supplier, the Netherlands, right behind the U.S. with 26% of the world’s content, 52 million internet pages.
The study also shows that the porn capital of the world is California, pumping out 66% of all the content being created in the US. It’s quite staggering to see that while the US sits at 60% of all the online adult content, six countries within the top 10 do not host anymore then 1% of all content around the globe while the 10th, the British Virgin Islands, host only 0.21%, 1 million Internet pages.
The List:
United States:
60% of all Porn, 428 Million Pages
The Netherlands:
26%, 187 Million Pages
United Kingdom:
7%, 52 Million Pages
1%, 8 Million Pages
0.78%, 5 Million Pages
0.3%, 2 Million Pages
0.3%, 2 Million Pages
0.27%, 2 Million Pages
Czech Republic:
0.21%, 2 Million Pages
British Virgin Islands:
0.21%, 1 Million Pages