New Sex Study Says Exercise Is As Good As Viagra For Men

Sexy Yoga Pose 2A new study published by the Cologne University Medical Center in Germany suggests that specifically designed exercises can be just as effective as sildenafil, the active ingredient in erectile dysfunction pills such as Viagra.

The study, conducted on 104 patients with mild to medium circulatory problems, randomly assigned patients a set of exercises, or gave the patients sildenafil or a placebo. The study found an improvement in 80% of all the men, while only 74% of the Sildenafil group and 18 % of the placebo group saw improvements.

Those who took part in the exercise attended three weekly sessions. The program aimed at improving the blood supply around the pelvis, buttocks and upper leg muscles through squatting exercises and pelvic and leg lifts. Direct measurement of the blood flow necessary to maintain an erection showed increased in the men who exercised. The rigidity of erections improved an average of 46 percent three months after men started the exercise program.

Meanwhile sex therapist Marty Klein, Ph.D, has suggested that exercises such as Yoga will improve sex on all levels. Not only do the movements of Yoga also help men to exercise the same areas of focus as the study, but Yoga will also help to reduce stress and anxiety. She says:

“Stress contributes to sex problems and sex problems cause stress. This can become a vicious cycle. Yoga reduces anxiety, so it enhances sex and helps prevent and treat sex problems.”

It is even becoming public knowledge that Kegal exercises for men have their benefits, such as strengthening your erection,  erectile dysfunction concerns and premature ejaculation.

Men, do yourself a favor and do a few squats today!


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