James Bond Is White Man Porn, Says Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig aka James Bond sat down with Rolling Stone Magazine recently and talked about an array of things including how the James Bond movies are ‘white man’s porn.’


Craig told Rolling Stone: “I completely understand that. That’s where I fit into the pecking order. That’s my place. I’m that guy. I’m the guy who does the white-man porn.”


Craig also talked about googling himself as well as surfing for porn: “I don’t — I mean, I really try not to. I really truly try. But then I can’t help myself and I disappear up my own ass and that starts a whole cycle where I gotta look.”


The newest James Bond continued, “I mean, I could probably put a lock on the computer, but, yeah, anyway, it’s a sickness. But that’s it. Except for maybe I’ll look up some porn occasionally. Hey, I’m only human.”


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