The US Porn Capital: How Much Porn Does Washington DC Watch?, one of the best places to find free adult content on the Internet, took a look at their Google Analytics during the time period of the U.S. Government Shutdown in the beginning of October, and found some pretty interesting statistics which leads us to believe, many members of the U.S. government are watching porn on Site Statistics During Government Shutdown Site Statistics During Government Shutdown

The statistics from Google Analytics show that during The Government Shutdown:

Washington Viewership sunk 30.12%, while Arlington & Baltimore spiked at 12.52% & 13.13% respectively

New Visits to the site increased by 6.79% in Arlington, and 14.94% in Baltimore.

The average site duration increased by 48.70% in Arlington

Clicks on ads for dating sites increased by 54.17% in Arlington & 42.22% in Baltimore.


After the Government Reopened:

Site visits decreased in Arlington by 6.16%

New visitors increased in Washington by 5.54%, while holding steady in Arlington & Baltimore (less then 1% change)

Average duration of visits for all 3 cities on site fell 31.27%


The stats seem to indicate that many of our regular Washington D.C. viewers were not able to access their daily porn needs from their work computer, and instead opted to use computers at home in Arlington or Baltimore. Stats also seem to indicate that with more free time on their hands, a staggering amount of of people in Arlington increased the length of time they viewed adult content.


The biggest change in stats comes from users clicking on advertisements for online dating sites such as, which comes as no surprise after scandals like Anthony Weiner’s online dating profile came into the public eye. is one of the worlds leading free adult content providers, featuring the hottest porn stars, the most popular porn studios, Free HD Videos and The Hunt For The Orgasm Girl Contest.

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