» prostitution Orgasm Free Porn Blog Tue, 05 Aug 2014 19:00:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pay Up: The Reality of Modern Prostitution Mon, 04 Oct 2010 22:20:13 +0000 James McClure Sex is a commodity. According to the old saying, it’s the oldest job in the world. So, why is it the only commodity we feel shame for paying for? Some of us feel personal humiliation for paying for sex, based on the assumption that if you’re handsome or smart enough that you wouldn’t have to pay for it. You can buy sex or you can work for it, but the idea that you shouldn’t have to do either is silly. Going to a sex worker is often regarded by clients as an “emotionally cleaner” transaction. You don’t have to put in any emotional energy. You go in, you get your needs met, you have your orgasm, you pay the lady, you go home. Simple.

Another reason for this shame, is that in most countries it is highly taboo and illegal. As George Carlin used to say “Selling is legal, fucking is legal. So why isn’t it legal to sell fucking?

Prostitution has been decriminalized in parts of Germany, all of Australia and New Zealand, Holland, as well as parts of Nevada. Unfortunately, however, in North America overall, any politician who would take this issue on would likely be committing career suicide. There is a perception that the oppressed and downtrodden prostitute won’t be protected, even though this is often made worse by prohibition.

People love black and white pronouncements and are uncomfortable with grey area. Most of us don’t want to look at whole situation. Sometimes paying for sex is okay, sometimes it’s not. Officially no one “ought” to be doing it, so we just sweep it all under the carpet. If we said this is okay, then the government would feel like they’ve lost control. People assume if commodities like drugs and sex were decriminalized, everyone would be fucked up all the time or using prostitutes all the time. This is not the case in governments that to allow (and therefore tax) sex work. There is significantly more control because more people are on the books and this is seen as a legal occupation. As a result, there is more protection for both the sex workers and the Johns. Why we’re at it, lets say porn stars too.

For now, it seems like if prostitutes want to be safe, they either have to lay low and find a good madam and/or quiet clients, or move to a place that is more accommodating to their choices. The downside to that is that the market will be more significantly penetrated, and supply and demand might run a little dry.
